
sabato 8 febbraio 2014

oreo cookies protein

Healthy protein ‘Oreo’ cookies

- The ‘Oreo’ cookies are twice as thick as a ‘normal Oreo’
- Low cal, high protein, high fiber
- I used casein protein powder but you can use most sorts of protein powder exept whey protein powder because this will give the cookie a dry, spongy texture

Ingredients (15 servings = 15 ‘Oreo’ cookies):
40 g – 1/3 cup coconut flour
250 g – 1 1/8 cup – 9 egg whites
10 g – 2 tsp baking powder
40 g – 1/2 cup oats (fine)
40 g – 1/4 cup +85% dark chocolate (melted)
40 g – 1/2 cup cocoa powder (raw)
40 g – 1/2 cup casein protein powder (vanilla flavor)
sweetener (I used stevia)

10 g – 1 tbsp coconut flour
40 g – 1/2 cup casein protein pow- der (vanilla flavor)
140 g – 2/3 cup water

Pre-heat the oven at 180°C – 350 °F
Mix all ingredients for the cookies together in a bowl
Spread (roll it out) the dough on a baking paper until it is 0.5 cm thick
Stamp out 30 rounds (about the size of a ‘Oreo’ cookie)
Put the ‘Oreo’ cookies on a baking sheet (and baking paper) and bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 180°C – 350 °F
Let the ‘Oreo’ cookies cool down
Mix all ingredients for the filling together in a bowl
To finish the ‘Oreo’ cookies put some filling between 2 ‘Oreo’ cookies and enjoy

Nutritional facts (1 ‘Oreo’ cookie):
Energy: 65 cal
Protein: 7.5 g
Carbohydrates: 4 g (sugar 0.4 g)
Fat: 2.5 g (saturated 1.4 g)
Fiber: 3.6 g

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